Special Regulations for a Branch of Metrology Society of India
In pursuant of Clauses 5.13.1 and 5.13.3 of rule 5.13 of the Rules and Regulations of the Society, the following Regulations, for conducting the affairs of a Branch of the Society, are made.
1. These regulations shall be called SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR BRANCHES (1996).
2. Definitions
a. Council means the Executive Council of Metrology Society of India.
b. Society means Metrology Society of India.
c. Good member means a member who is paying his subscriptions regularly and not conducting or cause to be conducting any activity detrimental to the interests of the Society.
d. General Body means the General Body of the Society.
e. Branch means the Branch of Metrology Society of India hereafter shall be called as Chapter.
3. The Council, in the best interests of the Society, may modify, add or delete any part of these Special Regulations.
4. Addition or deletion shall have to be got approved by the General Body of the Society in its immediately next meeting.
5. These Regulations shall be applicable to every Chapter of the Society from the date on which the Council decides to open the Chapter.
6. Every Chapter shall have a Charter which shall contain the name, location, geographical area(s) covered and date upon which such Charter was granted and shall bear the names and signatures of the President and the General Secretary of the Society.
7. Name of the Chapter shall be the full name of the Society followed by the name of the city where the Chapter is located.
8. The geographical area, which the Chapter is to serve, shall be specified at the time of opening the Chapter.
9. The Council, in the best interests of the Society, may alter the limits of such area on a later date with mutual understanding of the concerned Chapter/Chapters, but in case of any dispute the decision of the General Body shall be final.
10. Every Chapter shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the present Rules and Regulations along with these Special Regulations and any other bye-laws framed by the Chapter, provided these bye-laws have been approved by the Council.
11. The affairs of the Chapter shall be governed by an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of a Chairman, two Vice Chairmen, a Secretary, a Joint
Secretary, a Treasurer and such number of members as may be provided by the bye-laws of the Chapter.
12. All office-bearers including the members of the Executive of the Branch shall be elected every two years at the meeting of the General Body of the Chapter.
13. The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall meet at least two times in a year.
14. All official correspondence of Chapter shall be on its standard letter head, which shall conform to the format of the standard letter head of the Society.
15. Any office-bearer including the member of the Council, or any other member so authorised by the President, shall be entitled to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee of any Chapter.
16. The Chairman of the Chapter or any other member so authorised by the Chairman shall represent the Chapter in the Council.
17. Every office-bearer of the Chapter shall have similar powers and duties as the corresponding office-bearer of the Council of the Society as described in Rule 5.10 of the Rules and Regulations of the Society.
18. The Secretary of each Chapter shall forward to the General Secretary of the Society audited accounts including reports of all the meetings at the end of each financial year of the Society but not later than 30th June of every year for preparing a consolidated report and statement of accounts for submission to statutory authorities.
19. The Chapters are authorised to retain 50 percent of the subscription of the members enrolled by them. The Society in turn shall provide MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India to each of its good member.
20. The Chapters are authorised to raise funds for specific purpose with the prior approval of the Council. However 50 percent of the balance shall be sent to the Society.
21. Every Chapter shall manage all its expenses from its share of subscription or any fund raised for a specific purpose.
22. In very special circumstances, with the approval of the Council, the Society may provide one time financial assistance of Rs. 10,000 for opening of the Chapter.
23. The Council may at its discretion and/or due to any of the following reasons, close a Chapter after giving it a notice of three months and considering any explanation, the Society or the concerned Chapter may tender :
i. Failure of the Chapter to hold at least two meetings of its Executive Committee in a year and/or any other activity promoting the cause of metrology; and
ii. Conducting any activity declared by the Council to be detrimental to the interest of the Society.